PACWALL MINI is a collaborative effort between Pacific Wall Systems, Inc., and well-known local architect Carlos Delgado, whom both share a passion and a vision for solving the housing shortage. We have developed three beautifully designed Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU’s) to help our community off-set the financial burden of home ownership by adding one or more rental units to their property. In turn, ADU’s add much needed housing in our area as well as create equity sharing agreements. Recent Oregon legislation, specifically HOUSE BILL 2001 (LEARN MORE HERE), allows more housing choices such as rezoning of single family lots to multi-family. We have been continually queried from the public on a local, regional, and national level to develop simple yet elegant living units for this purpose. PACWALL MINI was created to meet and exceed this ever-growing demand for housing.
PACWALL MINI is a flat-stacked kit of pre-assembled wood components. We have developed these living units to be easy to assemble and meet or exceed code requirements. They come complete with a construction set of documents, ready for your plot map. At present, we are offering a 364 SF studio, a 660 SF one bedroom, and a 896 SF two bedroom. All units have the option for a garage below, or stack one unit on top of the other to create a two-story unit.